Bilingual Childcare is looking for a Montessori daycare Teacher 50-100%

6340 Baar ZG, Kanton Zug
Obermühle 8
We are a bilingual, private Montessori full-day Kindergarten for children aged 3 months to entering primary school based in Baar. More details on the webpage:

Requirements Montessori Teacher 0-3/3-6 and Kindergarten teacher
• Diploma with swiss recognition
• You are native English or German
Montessori degree (or williging to start a training)

You are desiring a long-term employment in a dynamic private institution and you are initiative and willing to take responsibility, resilience, and enjoy working in a team. You are flexible in the interest of the children, parents and the team. You are enjoying conceptual and administrative work.

We offer:
• an exciting and happy work environment, high-quality child care, flexibility in the work schedule, coaching and training "on the job" and regular team meetings, active support for training for long-term staff
• Support from management, teamwork and ownership in the incorporation
• Beautiful, spacious and well-appointed interior and exterior spaces

Are you interested?
Applications with the usual documents (including curriculum vitae, transcripts with grades, certificate of acknowledgment, references, at the time of the earliest possible entry, job requirements etc.)

Montessori Kindergarten of Zug
Obermühle 8
6340 Baar

Mobil: 076 330 47 37
e-mail: E-Mail
  • Inserat 122584 vom 03.10.2022

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