Sunshine Little Learners Preschool, Basel Stadt

4057 Basel-Klybeck, Kanton Basel Stadt
Sperrstrasse 104a
Our preschool in Basel is centred on a play-based curriculum, led by the interests of the children. Our weekly themes are delivered through songs, crafts, play activities and worksheets. We use an excellent range of interactive pre-school materials enabling children to learn in a fun environment through play.

Monday - Friday, 9 am to 12.30pm
Cost: 45.- CHF per morning

We still have places available. We look forward to meeting you and your child.

Tel: +41 76 248 92 81
E-Mail: E-Mail

Sunshine Little Learners | Preschool plus English
Bild 1: Sunshine Little Learners Preschool, Basel Stadt
  • Inserat 132670 vom 05.05.2024

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